On European Architecture - Theo van Doesburg

Complete essays from Het Bouwbedrijf 1924-1931


Theo van Doesburg's reviews on architecture collected in this volume give an overall picture of the most important developments of European architecture in the1920's seen from the avant-garde point of view of a contemporary.
Presenting them as a book constitutes the completion of a project considered by van Doesburg himself, namely to assemble the observations he published in "Het Bouwbedrijf" from October 1924 on. He conceived this plan soon after completing the first floor series of articles, namely the ones about France, Germany and Austria, Czechoslovakia, and an overview of exhibitions and demonstrations on architecture, culminating in a jubilant review of the Werkbund manifestation "Die Wohnung" 1927 in Stuttgart.
If this book had been published in 1928, van Doesburg would have asserted himself among the european avant-garde of architecture critics: it would have been the first ample and well-nigh comprehensive overview of this kind, and would have completely overshadowed publications such as Gropius's "...
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