Investigaciones sobre el estilo formular epico y sobre la lengua de Homero. - MUÑOZ VALLE, I.,


Muñoz Valle republishes here five articles that appeared in Iberian periodicals between 1970 and 1973. He has added a sixth, and furnished the whole with an apparatus of appendices and complementary notes. (?) No.1 examines the ?theme? (serie formulae) of presentiment (?) and analyses the elements in the manner of Arend (Die typische Scenen, Berlin, 1933) (?) Not.2-3 touch on the question of hyperbaton in Homeric style, i.e. on the signigficance of the separation of noun and decorative epithet in formula diction (?). No.6 examines the synonymy of the terms ?koure?, ?telos?, ?teknon?. This is a useful introduction to an important device of epic formulas style that has not yet been discussed adequately in published work.? (J.B. HAINSWORTH in The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 1977, pp.170-171). From the library of Prof. Carl Deroux.
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1974Uitgever: Editorial Bello