Bronze Age Migrations in the Aegean. Archeological and liguistic problems in Greek prehistory. Proceedings of the First Interantional Colloquium on Aegean Prehistory, Sheffiels, organized by the British Association for Mycenaean Studies and the Departments of Greek and Ancient History of the University of Sheffield. - CROSSLAND, R.A. and A. BIRCHALL,


Bronze Age Migrations in the Aegean. Archeological and liguistic problems in Greek prehistory. Proceedings of the First Interantional Colloquium on Aegean Prehistory, Sheffiels, organized by the British Association for Mycenaean Studies and the Departments of Greek and Ancient History of the University of Sheffield. is een boek van CROSSLAND, R.A. and A. BIRCHALL,. Deze editie wordt tweedehands aangeboden door 1 boekverkoper(s) uit Aalten. Voor meer info, bekijk de beschrijving van de beschikbare exemplaren verder op deze pagina.
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1974Uitgever: Noyes