Antigone. Erläutert und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Gerhard Müller. - SOPHOKLES,


'(?) Dr. Müller (...) offers a general interpretation that is in many ways admirable. (...) Müller takes no account of the importance in the play of the curse inherited from Oedipus; and yet it figures in the prologue, it is strongly emphasized by the Chorus in the second stasimon, and when the Chorus speak of it to Antigone she admits its responsibility for her plight. (...) Almost everywhere in the book one may come upon instances of a fantastic search for hidden meanings, which is made even more irritating than it would be else by the writer's extreme self-confidence. Still, his general exposition of the play is in many ways excellent, especially in the dialogue scenes.' (H. LLOYD-JONES in The Classical Review (New Series), 1969, p.25-26).
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1967Uitgever: Carl Winter