Women of Trachis. A Version by Ezra Pound. - SOPHOKLES,

Contents: Forword (DENIS GOACHER, pp.I-VII); Ezra Pund's translation of Sophokles (S.V. JANKOVSKI, pp.XIII-XXIII), Women of Trachis (pp.1-54); cast of first B.B.C.'s Third Programme performing (p.55); Editorial declaration (RICCARDO M. DEGLI UBERTI, pp.56-66). 'His Sophokles is an artistic achievement, a conscious breach with the old, unsatisfactory method; not an academic test of knowledge. Most scholars and lovers of Greek agree that Greek cannot and should not be translated into english literally. The most distinguished of them, Professor Gilbert Murray, expressly states this to be the reason for his having often used what he calls a more elaborate diction than Euripides did; by deciding, however, to get away from t=what he regarded as the baldness and simplicity of the original, he stripped the 'Trachiniae' of its classical adequacy and oladed it with ornament. He thus eliminated the directness of the dialogue as untranslatable. Pound approaced the same problem in a different way; he undertook the work wi...
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London, 1956. 1st ed. XXIII,66p. Frontispiece (portrait of Exra Pound, 1954, by La Martinelli. Original red cloth with dust wrps. Dust wrps slightly yellowed and to front with two small tears. Nice copy. [Antiquarian] [Auteur: SOPHOKLES,] [Uitgever: Nevill Spearman] [Jaar: 1956] [Titel: Women of Trachis. A Version by Ezra Pound.]