Gijshond - Nina van Denbempt 2012


Gijshond Nina van Denbempt 2012

Although graduating as an Illustrator at LUCA School of Arts, Gent in 2013 Nina Van Denbempt (°1989) works with mixed media. Whether it is painting, painting over old paintings, redesigning jackets, collecting old paper, writing, sculpture, building a shrine at home, playing music, making performances with friends or drawing short comics… It's all in the purpose of trying to keep a naive curiosity in ways of expressing oneself combined with a mild obsession with the uncomfortableness of being a human in the world. She’s always looking for ways to enhance connection by sharing personal stuff as an antidote for irony and as a way to personally break free from the numbing effects of fear and shame. Recurring themes as anxiety, failure, shame, crushes, existential dread, loneliness, mental health and feminism are very close to her being and are a part of processing her own life events. Mix a deep love for DIY, glitters and pop culture with some darkness and depression and there you ...
2012Taal: Nederlandszie alle details...
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2012Taal: Nederlands