Der Anspruch des Dichters in Vergils Georgika. Dichtertum und Heilsweg. - BUCHHEIT, V.,


?Professor Buchheits new monograph is devoted to a definition of Virgil?s self-consciousness as a poet. He watches in particular how the originality of Virgil?s claims and pretentious as imaginative writer is supported and affirmed by comparison with the Roman literary tradition from Ennius to Lucretius and Catullus. Virgil fuses for the first time in Latin letters awareness of his own unique accomplishment with confidence in the productive power of poetry. This union is most clearly seen, according to Buchheit, in the opening lines of the Third Georgic, especially when they are analysed with a close eye on the deservedly famous ?laudes agricolarum? which end ?Georgics? 2. B. marshals abundant evidence to support what most critics see in the opening lines of the Third Georgic - Virgil?s claims of a poetic ?triumph? over Greece. But the force of this evidence is largely utilised by B. to establish the intimacy of Virgil and Octavian, the thoughtful poet-hero and the soldier-statesman with his more realistic go...
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