Album - Hannah Höch



Hannah H?ch (1889-1978), an important representative of the Berlin Dada movement, was a dedicated collagist. She noted in her appointment calendar for 1939 that she had been 'busy for days going through magazines and cutting things out'.nThe sheer abundance of Hannah H?ch's collection of visual material is suggested by an album that was presumably compiled in 1933, a singular work within her oeuvre that poses a number of fascinating questions. Was it used as a collection of motifs for collages and photo-montages? Was it a kind of modern sketchbook? Could it have been a first step toward conceptual art? The album comprises 116 pages-two issues of the journal Die Dame were used as backing pages-and combines in an amusing fashion more than four hundred photographic images of subjects from nature, technology, sports, dance, the new woman, film, ethnology, and other areas of interest collected, cut out and mounted by the artist. The collection also contains a remarkable number of female nudes.nThe album, only a fe...
2004Taal: [MU]zie alle details...
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2004Uitgever: Hatje Cantz Verlag200 paginasTaal: [MU]ISBN-10: 3775714278ISBN-13: 9783775714273